

Warwickshire O65s Match Report

Match Reports 2023


+65 Men county cup 2023

1.      1st match at Home vs Yorkshire 4/6/23


Tony King & Alan Roberts – singles

Alastair Scott & Paul Bradshaw – doubles

A  3-2 win, winning 2 singles & reverse doubles


2.      2nd match at Home vs Bucks 26/7/23


Tony King & Alan Roberts – singles

Alastair Scott & Phil King – doubles

A 4-1 win, winning the 2 singles & 2 reverse doubles – losing 1 double


3.      3rd match at Home vs Herts  30/7/23


Tony King & Alan Roberts – singles

Roy Meddings & Paul Bradshaw – doubles

A 3-2 win, winning both singles in the tie break and 1 x reverse doubles


4.      4th match away vs Cheshire 10/9/23


Tony King & Alan Roberts – singles

Phil King & Michael Webb – doubles

A3-2 winning both singles and 1 reverse doubles in a close fought games


5.      5th match away vs Lancashire 17/9/23


Tony King & Bernie Waldron – singles

Chris Bentley/ Philip Shaw Hamilton with Alastair Scott playing 2nd double with Tony King

A 2-3 loss

Winning 1 singles & 1 reverse doubles, although a great effort by Bernie – losing the single in the tie break 7-6; 3-6; 1-0


We Finished  top of the Div 1A in the Final.