

Warwickshire ladies 65s v North Wales

I am absolutely delighted to report that Warwickshire 65s ladies had a winning draw against North Wales today.

We played at Bidston Tennis Centre on the Wirral as North Wales' usual venue at Wrexham is being refurbished. Fresh after an overnight stay at Greasby we set about the game. Chris Clewer and Wendy Supperstone sped to a first set  6-1 win against Claire Ayton and Deborah King, but the opposition rallied to take the second set 6-2 and then the championship tie-break.

Meanwhile Margaret Simcox and Caroline Rhodes met Audrey Mellin and Val Pontin who got off to a roaring start, taking the first set 6-1. Although the Warwickshire ladies managed to forge ahead in the second set to 4-2, North Wales came back to take it 6-4.

2-0 down at the halfway point but the Warwickshire ladies rallied. Chris and Wendy found Audrey and Val’s game suited them and ran out comfortable winners 6-2, 6-3. Margaret and Caroline meanwhile took longer for their 6-3, 6-1 win against Claire and Deborah, achieved by varying tactics in long games.

So, a satisfying winning draw, 2 rubbers all, 5 sets to 4 and 37 games to 29.
