

​​​​​​​Warwickshire Ladies O55s County Match

The Team set off on an early 8am start to The John Charles Tennis Centre in Leeds, Carolyn Lindsay
standing in last minute for Mel Jennings.

After a breakfast stop, and despite it being a beautiful day play started at 12pm indoors, a home

In Mel’s absence Natalie Green moved up to play singles No.1 she had a challenging match with
every game going to deuce although sadly this was not reflected by the score of 6-1 6-0.
With the last minute changes Kate Perkins played singles No2 and lost 6-3 6-0.
Kate and Natalie went onto lose their doubles 6-0 6-3.
Only having had a couple of practices together Carolyn Lindsay and Tracey Davies made a strong pair
and had two close doubles matches despite losing, the first being 6-3 6-3 the second 3-6 6-4 1-0.
A lovely afternoon tea was provided by the opposition and although a convincing defeat the team
enjoyed the tennis.