

Recreational Competition Workshop

Message from Midlands LTA:

Whilst we apologise that these are being held at very short notice, I wanted to highlight the fact that they going to be completely free of charge and will carry 3 coach accreditation points!!


These workshops will provide an opportunity to share ideas and re-connect with ways to deliver fun, low-level competitions at your venues and to help get this back at the heart of our coaching programmes and club life.  I know many of you are already very experienced and active in this way, so please don’t miss this chance to come and share your ideas so others (perhaps less experiences coaches) can benefit from your experience but also to gain ideas from others, and of course, to get some FREE accreditation/licence points J


The workshops will be online sign up (more information to follow on this) and will be available to all coaches and coaching assistants with a passion for getting competition back at the heart of the sport, so please put the dates in your diary now and look out for my email in the next few days giving the booking link to get signed up.

Workshops as follows:-

  • Monday 18th Feb 10am – 12 noon, Loughborough University Tennis Centre BOOK HERE
  • Tuesday 19th February 12 noon – 2pm, Wolverhampton LT&SC BOOK HERE
  • Wednesday 20th February 10am – 12 noon, Rustons Sport and Social Club (please note change of venue – no longer at David Lloyd Lincoln) BOOK HERE
  • Thursday 21st February 10am – 12 noon, Edgbaston Priory Club BOOK HERE

If you are REALLY keen to make sure you don’t miss out on this opportunity, email me back with the date/course you wish to attend and I will add your name as soon as the opportunity becomes available, before the link is sent out by email J


Finally, if in the event we are over-subscribed, priority will be given to Level 2 or higher applicants, but if you are a Level 1 about to take your Level 2 and have a passion for competition, please still apply.  You are the coaching force of the future so gather all the knowledge and experience you can!


Looking forward to seeing you soon.


With kind regards


Kate King
Competition Development Partner

D: +441509226722
M: 07984 329 752