

14U Girls County Cup

14U Girls County Cup Results


VS North of Scotland 3-3, won on shootout

VS Cambridgeshire 2-4

3rd and 4th Place Playoff

VS Cheshire 6-0


  • Claire Williamson – Captain
  • Josie Williamson – Assistant
  • Jess Morrison
  • Tanishka Naveen
  • Julia Zybura
  • Mila Angrave
  • Isla Turner

To view the full results please click here


Captains Report

Well what a great weekend with the under 14 girls up in Lymm, what a beautiful club. Started off Friday at David Lloyd Warrington where George Frankham managed to secure some practice courts for us, as Lymm only offered us courts at 6:30pm which was too late for team prep. We went back to the hotel, again like the boys no phones so we were present together and engaged in games and funny conversations! 

The girls went to their rooms after hearty meal… 

We actually took advantage of the later start as we were told we weren’t going to be starting play before midday so we had a little bit of a lie in and a morning jog… After team hot water and lemons and a fuelling breakfast, we made our way to pick up lunches and then headed to the club to watch other teams perform and get a practice court before play.


It was really nice to have that time in the morning because we played a few games with the girls to get the team bond strong and release some pressures before we refocused and took on the first county which was North of Scotland. 


The first games to go on were Mila and Isla… one of the matches with Mila her first at 14s was a very tense went all the way to a champ tiebreak… despite a dispute that happened in the champ tie break at 9 all, the referee pulled Mila up on celebrating the point before she actually had won and before the point ‘was dead’ & awarded it to her opponent…. a tough lesson! 10-9 down!

Mila managed to control her emotions and win the next point however, she was unfortunate to lose it, 12-10 after battling really well against her opposition. Isla had a great game but also lost, so then 2-0 down going into the next round of matches.

Second round of matches ,Jess and Taniska went on battled hard and won to go to 2-2 all……Julia & Isla had a close doubles & lost so 3-2 down but jess & Tanishka kept the tie alive…. 3-3! We played Jess and Isla in shootout. Isla was really up for it as we gave the girls the opportunity to decide and it was between Julia and Isla. Isla stepped up and the tiebreak was incredible. We experienced rallies of 50+ &  extremely tactical tennis….. Ok,so i do love doubles played around the net but was happy to get the win with all 4 back…..! The on court communication and energy was amazing and we won that shoot out to beat North of Scotland 4-3.


We then went on to play against Cambridgeshire which was a tough team to be playing against towards the end of the day after the girls battled really well against North of Scotland. We lost to Cambridgeshire 4-2 after sadly losing Jess to illness so she had to give away the match, her fight earlier in the day was awesome though despite how she was feeling. 

The other girls fought really well and saw their matches through but unfortunately we went 3-1 down.  Isla and Julia lost the doubles in a match tiebreak, it was such great tennis and tight games! Tanniska and Mila played together which was the first time we have seen them play and how they held themselves on court as a pair was fantastic, they still fought hard to get us another rubber in that match.


This was a very long day and the girls finished play at 8pm because of the weather forecast on Sunday hence we played two counties on the Saturday (just like the boys) 

They did really really well. We had got back to the hotel for dinner and as it was also Josie‘s birthday the girls wanted to do a little surprise however it was 9:30 at night so a sugar rush probably wasn’t wise when we had to get up early to play at the play-offs on the Sunday!! 


Sunday morning we woke up had a wholesome breakfast and a little walk and talk in the fresh air. The girls were flagging slightly after their day on the Saturday. A couple of them were feeling a little bit under the weather but we got them on the water and lemons again fully invested in their health that morning. They were open to some mindset support as well where we went through emotional management and confidence - the girls were really interactive and engaging so when we got to the venue, they were in good spirits and were ready to take on Cheshire the home county.  We couldn’t get on a court to practise so the girls went to play table tennis which of course was extremely competitive!

So we knew it was going to be tough losing our no 1 Jess… we were desperate to get 3rd place!

The shift in the girls and how they presented and composed themselves on court, especially Isla and Mila who went on first and performed their hearts out! 

The rallies in both matches were incredible. The gutsy performance from these two girls was another level and they went on to take us 2-0 up. Next on was Julia who again took on board everything that we had spoken about over breakfast. The way she composed herself on court and took  control of her emotions and expressed confidence was amazing. She took us 3 up! Tani went on and played so well tactically, it ended up being close going to a match tiebreak. She managed to compose herself and control her nerves and emotions to take us 4-0 up! This gave us third position which was a great achievement. The two doubles against Cheshire were really competitive, close matches but we got the win 6-0. It was so good to see the girls positivity & energy on court! They were all buzzing !


I’d like to say a huge thank you to Josie who inspired the girls especially on the Sunday morning to help take themselves to another level mentally and show such determination in the matches. The girls were fabulous and earned some birthday cake which we had just before we drove home.

I also think it’s the first year we have won more match tiebreaks than we’ve lost so that’s a big improvement.

Player of North of Scotland - Isla  

Supporter - Tanny and Jess 



Player - Mila 

Supporter - Isla 


Day 2 - The whole team! They all showed up on court!