
New Courts: Week 2 Update

Last week we started the work to resurface our courts, which resulted in around nine tonnes of the old surfacing having been removed from each doubles court. We are no mathematicians but that is one impressive number!

This is a good indication of the extent of the work that is currently being carried out to ensure that when we return, we have quality courts waiting for us that will no doubt grace us  with an excellent base for leisurely and competitive tennis in the years to come.

What has been happening this week?

This week we had a straight edge survey carried out to determine the condition of the existing base on courts 1-3 and whether this is flat or requires additional work to be done prior to the new surfaces being fitted. We are happy to let you all know that the survey went well and has not highlighted any issues that are outside the scope of the original work planned.  There are three small areas on the courts that need a small amount of leveling off before the new carpet is laid, however this will pose no major challenges.

Additionally, court 4 has been prepared for its new surface with the existing sand removed and pierced to create good drainage. The holes created were filled with pea gravel to allow water to drain more efficiently and a new porous macadam surface has been laid on top. 

While the courts continue getting worked on, the WELTC Committee are working hard behind the scenes, making contact with the members to arrange reimbursement payments for any lost months of tennis and planning  for and addressing any practical challenges of re-opening our gates safely to you all in the next few weeks.

Keep your eyes peeled for a membership survey coming your way in the next wee while to offer you a chance to share your experiences during the lockdown while the club has been closed - we'd love to hear from you!

What have you missed while we have been closed?

What alternatives have you used to keep fit or to play tennis at home?

What are your hopes and aspirations for the remainder of the season and the new courts?