
Social Tennis and Other Developments

Wait, where did September go?

Similarly to the past few months, the time has just flown by since we last checked in with you all with our articles! Fear not, the Committee have continued to keep busy with exciting new developments for the WELTC... let's dive right in and see what has been happening in the past few weeks.



For a few weeks now, we have been running our weekly social tennis sessions, which have been received extremely well by all of our lovely members and non-members alike. These sessions are booking-based and facilitated by our friendly co-ordinators for safety and are run as follows:

      Adult Social Club Night: Tuesdays 18:30 - 21:30

     Ladies' Night: Wednesdays 18:30 - 20:30

     Men's Afternoon: Sundays 14:00 - 16:00

We have seen continued increased in numbers across the weeks while remaining under the safe limits, which has allowed us to not only run some more competitive doubles play on courts but also some fun games to keep everyone moving and engaged on the day. If you're new to the club or considering joining us, why not come along to one of these sessions to meet some of our members and get a sense of the community? Non-members can join with  a simple fee of £4 and bookings can be made here.



Speaking of non-members... we have also now introduced an simplified visitor policy that allows for any guests coming along to the courts with our members to join in on the fun by paying £4 for every hour of court use or an additional £2 for any coaching sessions for as many times as they wish. Keen to get involved but not sure if you're ready to commit to us yet? Come along for a trial or few and no doubt we will soon convince you of the benefits of joining our friendly club at the very heart of the west end!



WELTC have collaborated with Abertay University Tennis Club for over 10 years and have welcomed the students back on our courts this year –Abertay have gone on to be one of the fastest growing clubs at the university. Here's  a wee message from the new club President for the Abertay Tennis Club, Rachele:

"Abertay Tennis Club is very pleased having collaborated with WELTC for over a decade. As for the upcoming year, we hope to welcome many new members to the club and to run as many friendly matches as possible; thus, keeping players active until BUCS will resume."



We are always keen to hear from our members and their experiences with the club and this season we have run two surveys thus far.  We are looking to compare the results from the one carried out in July, as we were just opening the new courts, and the new one this October - remember to check-in with us next month for the results.

The latest survey is still open until the end of the week - click on the link in your emails and let us know what you think!



Last month, we ran a photography competition to challenge our members to get their creative streak on and you sure delivered! Our worthy winner was Alan Dawson with  this beauty titled "Me watching you watching me " . It was taken in his back garden, just two meters away from the (clearly not very camera shy) kestrel. We wish we were all so photogenic...

Second place was taken by our very own Club President, Amanda Barclay, with "Good to be back, new courts, new season, new shoes". We are living for the tennis theme and share her excitement in making the most of the remaining season on our all-weather courts!


Although we weren't able to permit spectators this year due to the existing LTA guidance, this did not stop the organisers from making the Finals Day as good as ever. Special thanks to our Head Coach Jack Ganley and Rebecca Reid who somehow found it in their busy schedules to not only play the matches but to livestream some of these for our entertainment. Now that is a level of multi-tasking we should all aspire for.

Congratulations to all of our winners - until next year!


...and there you have it.

Phew, well done for scrolling this far, what a busy few weeks it's been. Not that we're planning on stopping anytime soon - onto the other exciting new projects that await to be conquered. 

Interested in getting involved?

Why not give the Committee a shout on and let us know if you have some spare time you would like to dedicate towards developing our club. Recently we have had some our lovely members join our Groundworks Team to help us look after our courts to ensure we can enjoy them for many years to come.