Join today

Membership fees for the 2024/25 season are as follows:

Family membership is £85

Single adult membership is £60

Junior membership is £25 (under 18)

Student membership is £20 for students home for the summer.  Please contact us if you'd like to join  - This is a summer only membership, valid until September and will allow you to book courts and play without paying the Pay to Play fee. 

Member's contact numbers will be added to a Noticeboard What's App group so members can receive notifications about upcoming events. Please email if you wish to be removed from the group 


Family Membership 2024/5

20/02/2024 - 31/03/2025

Membership for families

Up to 6 members

Join now

Junior Membership 2024/5

20/02/2024 - 31/03/2025

Junior Membership is for people under the age of 18.

Join now

Single Adult Membership 2024/5

20/02/2024 - 31/03/2025

Adult Membership is for people aged 18 and over.

Join now