To use the booking system you need to be registered with Clubspark and a current member of WTC.
Courts can be booked 14 days in advance. Maximum 7 bookings per week. Maximum booking length 1hour 30 mins. Please email ( to any difficulties members are having getting a fair share of court time.
Please cancel any booked courts that you know you will not use.
If there are little locks all over the booking sheet it usually means you are not logged into your membership correctly. Check your membership details and that you logged with the details linked to your memebrship.
Guests are very welcome. Please put a guest fee of £2 in the parking meter.
Club nights. Everyone welcome. Short doubles matches of 7 games played, Everyone mixes in.
Monday 4 til 6.30 then shared with A/B team practice until 8pm
Thursday 4pm until 7.30pm
Up to date details of both the Club night and ladies social tennis are available via the two clubs Whatsapp groups. Whalley Tennis Club is the general group and Tennis is the ladies group, All members are welcome to join the groups. Email with your name and the group administrators will add your names.
Please don't over tighten the nets.
Wear trainers or tennis shoes.
Absolutely no chewing gum on the court. It is very difficult to scrap off.
Take any rubbish home. Please don't leave on the court.