We now have a remote to control the single courts floodlights which works by standing in the middle of the court.
The courts and the paving stones will need spraying.
Thank you to Hannah and Anne who continually clean and remove the rubbish which is left in the cub house. |
Rory confirmed that there have been no issues relating to safeguarding. All the paperwork is up to date and published on the noticeboard inside the club house.
A newsletter was suggested by Rory and agreed to be done by Natalie to act as an induction pack for new members regarding the importance of safeguarding.
Rory was thanked by the group for his work in this important area.
A proposed junior committee was suggested for junior members and their parents. |
Simon Brown has agreed to run the Lockdown Cup again this year. So good luck to all participants and congratulation to Dominic Brown for winning last year.
This year’s Annual Cricket Match will be held again this year and run by Rory Ferguson.
Brent has offered to arrange some American tournaments and Henry has offered to organize some friendly against other tennis clubs.
Henry wished everyone well in the ballot and congratulated those who had already won. |
The next meeting is yet to be confirmed. |