
2023 AGM Minutes

6. Membership Report 2022/23


Membership 2021-2022 - 233 paid members.


Membership 2022-23 - 200 paid members. Reduction of 33 members – this was thought to be that possibly some people had gone back to playing other sports since Covid restrictions had lifted.

Membership revenue - £14,658

Paid membership - Female 84, Male116


Court Keys                             .

These will not be changed for this next season.


Car park permits will be ready for March 2023.

7. Car Park Sub-Committee Report


There are several pot holes and muddy areas which will need some attention and filling in.

The promised payment of £250 from Railtrack for using an area of the car park for storage of materials was eventually received.

8. Treasurer’s Report


Another steady year to report with Membership income down just 5%  on last year at £14658. With resumption of matches after COVID match fees increased 125% on last year at £1478. Expenditure showed an increase of 3% on last year due to one off charges for tree felling £1000 and planning application fee for new floodlights £494.


A net surplus of income over expenditure of £5352 down 12% on last year. In terms of actual cashflow into the club we are showing a reduction of £5054 with bank balances falling to £33720 at year end as a result of the expenditure of 15324 on resurfacing court one.


Further expenditure on painting the new court and installing floodlights will be made on next financial year. This will be partially offset by the receipt of a Grant from RVBC of £5000. This should be the final major expenditure for a few years enabling the club to rebuild funds for the next round of court upgrades.