

Clubhouse Closed

It is with deep regret that following the latest Government guidelines the club has had to close the clubhouse to all members until further notice.

A summary of the guidance from the LTA is provided below. In light of this advice we should all follow the latest guidance and social tennis is suspended as a result of social distancing guidance.

If individuals want to play that is their decision, but they should ensure that the relevant distance is maintained. Please also take into consideration that we are unable to provide any facilities in the clubhouse including changing facilities, first aid facilities and toilet facilities.

This is a rapidly changing situation and the club will keep members informed of any updates from the LTA.

The following is a summary of the most recent LTA advice to tennis clubs: -

Following the Government’s announcement (Friday 20 March) that social spaces such as pubs, gyms and leisure centres must close, all tennis clubhouses and similar social facilities should be closed as soon as possible.

Courts however can remain open for use to help ensure people remain active, subject to strict social distancing and hygiene practices being employed.

Adapting sessions to accommodate the advice on social distancing.

Closure of all social spaces at a venue, including changing and toilet facilities

Use online booking for courts and sessions where at all possible

A buffer period be implemented between court booking slots to allow time for players to leave before next players arrive

Activity should only take place where travel to and from the courts can be done in a way compliant with social distancing advice, with players not travelling together unless they are part of a group residing in the same place

Activity should be in line with the Government’s advised social distancing measures at all times (defined by Public Health England as spending no more than 15 minutes within a 2-metre distance of someone), including when arriving to and departing from a court

If you are not confident that you can adhere to the social distancing guidance when undertaking tennis and coaching activity in doubles format, you should only facilitate activity with two players per court

Players are advised not to change ends during play

Coaches to avoid close proximity when giving feedback, or when players are resting

Ensure no physical contact between players during warm-ups or games

No extra-curricular or social activity should take place

For further information from the LTA please click on the following link