

Covid - 19 Up-date, New LED Lighting

The Directors just wanted to update you on a couple of things happening at the club, but more importantly check in to see if everyone is keeping safe and well. All our best wishes to you and your families during this awful time.

The Government said yesterday that they will role out a plan next week for possibly easing some of the lockdown restrictions, so we will be keeping a keen eye on things in discussion with the LTA to see what, if any, restrictions can be lifted at the club. The Directors, will of course, keep you updated but will only reopen when it is safe to do so.

On a positive note, the new Indoor LED Lights were fitted on Thursday 30 May 2020 and throwing out over 600 LUX, which is a massive improvement on the old lights at around 400 LUX. So, if you pardon the pun, a brighter future for indoor tennis in the evenings.... apologies for that but couldn’t resist. There are some pictures on Facebook and the club website if you want to check them out. Many thanks to everyone who has been involved in the procurement and management of the installation of the new lights, great job.

The Directors are also delighted to inform you that the outdoor courts will be painted week commencing 04 May 2020, weather dependent, in preparation for when we can get back down and knock a few balls. The majority of members chose Purple and Green during the survey early this year so excited to see the courts when they are finished. Again many thanks to all involved.

Also work is being progressed to improve the carparking facilities , so there will be more carparking spaces available to members when we resume playing. we do hope that is soon, but again the club will follow the UK governments and LTA advice strictly.

Stay safe and well