

LTA COVID-19, Court usage guidance and Court Painting

Dear Member, the planned painting of the outside courts from today to Sunday has been delayed. As you may appreciate painting of outside tennis courts can only take place if there is no rain and the ambient temperature is above a specified temperature. Unfortunately the tennis court painters have been delayed in the job before ours, because of inclement weather and therefore will not be starting on our courts at the time as previously stated. They can't give a specific time for starting at the moment, but want to get onto our job as quickly as they can. It may be Thursday or Friday so not to confuse the situation , we will keep courts 3,4,5 & 6 closed for the time being, until the courts are painted and dry for use. Good news is the purple colour tennis court paint requested by the club has been specially manufactured to our club colours.

When playing please keep safe and follow the LTA guidance for players. Here is a link >>>>>>