What’s on Xmas week

Saturday 17th, 5 to 7pm, - final Saturday opening of the year 

(24th = Xmas eve & 31st will be prepping for NYE bash)


Don’t forget the Carols on Weds 21st - 6:30 meet in the square - singing around the village - heading up to the club for a sherry / mince pie - all welcome.


Thurs 22nd - 10am - social tennis bash - weather permitting - do check on WhatsApp…


Friday 23rd - Xmas Quiz - 8pm start - bar open from 7:15pm - extra prize for the best xmas outfit.


As mentioned on Facebook, the NYE bash is now fully subscribed - we will run a reserve list and so obvs if you have a place/s and can’t attend, please let us know asap.