

Happy New Year


Happy new year! We hope the festive break has treated you all well. We are due back on court from next week, with all the groups now uploaded to the website. As ever, if you do need help finding the group for you, please do get in touch.


Junior Coaching Update

The start of the new term will come with the launch of our brand new house points system. Each junior player will be assigned a team at their first session back. The winning team at the end of the year will receive a special prize. You can score points for your team for the following;

  • Completing your challenge card
  • Most improved player of the term
  • Winner of any internal competitions within the group
  • Any special achievements
  • Referring a friend (of which, they will then join your team)


Junior Programme as of January 25' 

Wednesday 5-6pm Mini Blue (ages 4-6yrs)

Wednesday 5-6pm Mini Red (ages 6-8yrs)

Wednesday 6-7pm Junior Squad (ages 11+)

Thursday 5.30-6.30pm Mini Green (ages 9-10yrs)

Saturday 9-10am Mini Blue (ages 4-6yrs)

Saturday 9-10am Mini Red (ages 6-8yrs)

Saturday 9-10am Mini Orange (ages 8-9yrs)

Saturday 10-11am Mini Green (ages 9-10yrs)

Saturday 12-1pm Junior Squad (ages 11+)


Adult Coaching Update

There are a couple of tweaks to the Thursday group timings, but the programme remains largely unchanged in to the new year. 



For those with a little on court experience that want to improve their core skills both technically and tactically.

Wednesday 10.30-11.30am 

Thursday 7-8pm

Saturday 11-12pm



Aimed at those with the ability to participate in either a singles or doubles match. Sessions are designed to challenge, whilst create an effective learning environment.

Monday 10-11am

Wednesday 9.30-10.30am

Saturday 10-11am



As the name suggests, this group will be dedicated to matchplay. In particular doubles, but the occasional singles will occur. This will be coach led for the first hour, where Ben will arrange the pairings and look to help build up some tactical play.

Wednesday 7-9pm



Beginner coaching: Ideal for players who are either new or still getting to grips with the game. 

Thursday 7-8pm




For any other queries relating to the coaching programme at Woking Park, please do get in touch by emailing


All the best,
