
Practice Wall

If you've been to our club in the last week, you may have noticed the installation of an exciting new improvement.  At the back of Court 4, we now have a Practice Wall that sits discretely within the existing court fencing, to be used from within the Court.  

We expect the Practice Wall to quickly become a very valuable aid to our Coaching Team in their development of Players.  The Wall is also available to you as a Members if you are looking to practice your shots or perhaps develop more consistency to your game.

Please do give it a try and make use of it, we just ask you follow the usage policy below please.

On a final note, we are still awaiting the Contractors to add some finishing touches including adding Netting above the wall to reduce the number of Tennis Balls hit out of the court.  

Fair Usage Policy

  • In order to maximise Court use for Play at our busiest times, Court 4 may not be booked for the purpose of using the Practice Wall between 5pm to 9pm Monday to Friday or 9am to 1.30pm on Saturdays.  If the court is not booked during these times, please feel free to use.
  • Outside of the Peak times above, for Members looking to book to play, we would ask that you aim to book Courts 1-3 first if available therefore leaving the opportunity for anyone wishing to use the Practice Wall to book Court 4.
  • If you do use Club balls to hit against the wall, please retrieve any balls you hit out of the Court.  Tennis Balls do represent a significant annual expense to the club, paid for from Membership fees.