
New Coach joins Woodside Team

Coach Ryan Jones joined the Woodside Coaching Team in March 2024. Ryan is available for individual coaching and group training sessions. Ryan comes from Welsh Wales, but we wont hold this against him, and he has been coaching in Cheshire for three years now.

Ryan has a particular interest in using technology and coaching aids to speed your improvement, technically and physically on the court. Come and meet Ryan at the club , running club night from 7pm, every Wednesday, and say hello and book a lesson.

Club Chairman and team stalwart Andy Nevett had a service lesson, using video analysis recently : "I was interested to see if or how the technology could help me being a bit long in the tooth but it was amazing. Apart from confirming how attractive I am , it showed me visually what I couldn't see for myself and really helped improve the power (27mph faster) but more importantly the consistency, of mr serve- I recommend that you give it a try"

Contact Ryan on 07500 795368 or on