Free Tennis

Don’t miss your chance to pick up a racket and play tennis for free at Wrecclesham on the 16th March 2024.

We are hosting an open afternoon from 2pm to 4pm, where you can take part in the free coaching or book a court and play with family or friends. So whether you want to play for the first time, or rediscover an old passion, we have something for you.

If you have a tennis racket please do bring it along. If you don't then no need to worry as we will have youth rackets and adult Tecnifibre rackets to try out during the event. 

We are also offering 20% off membership prices on the 16th + 17th March 2024, this offer is only valid that weekend for people who have not been previous members of the club. The membership packages will go live on the membership page on the 16th March 2024.

Please do register in advance by clicking on the image below, then come along on the day to meet the coaches and committee.