
We offer a number of annual memberships from Tennis, Combined Rackets, Squash/Racketball/Badminton/Pickleball, Junior Playing in two age groups to Adult Non-Playing (social).  All memberships are for 12 months from the date purchased.

*Some Memberships have the option to pay monthly by Direct Debit. Please email: to join using this option.  Please note: any member who decides to leave the club after choosing to join using this method will not be eligible to rejoin the club for a period of 13 months (12 months plus notice period) from the date of giving notice of their resignation, which is 30 days.

The courts fees and booking guidelines are available on the link below:

 For any questions please just email: or contact Jaz in the office on 02392 583726 during office hours.

For more sport-specific enquiries please email:






The Club's Code of Conduct for members is available here


Combined Racket Sports - Monthly DD available*

12 months membership

LATE WINTER OFFER! Pay in full and get 1 month free! Alternatively, email: to join using our easy monthly direct debit option of £41.40 or call 02392 583726

Join now

Junior ages 11-17 membership

12 months membership


Join now

Junior ages 5-10 membership

12 months membership

Junior 5-10

Join now

Non-Playing Social Membership

12 months membership

Non-Playing Social Membership

Join now

Squash Racketball Badminton Pickleball*

12 months membership

LATE WINTER OFFER! Pay in full and get 1 month free! Alternatively, email: to join using our easy monthly direct debit option of £15.53. Or call 02392 583726

Join now

Tennis Membership - Monthly DD available*

12 months membership

LATE WINTER OFFER! Pay in full and get 1 month free! Alternatively, email: to join using our easy monthly direct debit option of £25.88. Or call 02392 583726

Join now

Young Adult Rackets - Monthly DD available*

12 months membership

* Email: to join using our easy monthly direct debit option or call: 02392 583726

Join now