
Login problems?

The main problem that people have is confusion about which type of login you use. You need to remember is you login with an email and password in the main login screen, or if you use an LTA login, or facebook or google etc. For many people, your login was changed last year to an LTA login, and you're trying to enter these details in the email & password boxes on the login screen - and it doesn't work. It's not very obvious, but if you have an LTA login (as many members do) then you need to click the LTA button first, and then enter your details to the LTA login page. 

This is all becuase the LTA (in their relentless desire to centralise!) have forced people to use an LTA account to access the Ashwell Tennis Club web site. Once you have an LTA login, you need to log in with your LTA account, and you need to use the same process every time.

So if you're trying to log in with club spark email and password, and it doesn’t work for you, try logging in with your LTA details - and vice versa. If you can't work it out, we can see the type of login which is linked to your account, so please ask. 

Also, for those with family membership, sometimes only one person is registered on the web site. It’s possible to add additional family members to your membership which will allow them to sign in, book courts and get club emails. However, the web site function for this isn’t working, so if you want to do this please email the club ( and we can add them for you.