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Its time to renew your membership

Subscription renewals for 2025/26 are due by the end of April please

Your subscription does not automatically renew so you will need to authorise the payment (Clubspark uses the terminology direct debit but it is a one off payment).

If you wish to change your membership category because your circumstances have changed, please apply for the different membership category via the website on the link below.

We have kept the cheque option available for our older members. Cheques can be sent to Membership Secretary, 29 Hillpark Avenue, Edinburgh EH4 7AQ.

Payment reminders will be sent after 7, 14 and 21 days.  We would ask all members who wish to renew their membership to please pay by the end of April 2025 at the latest.  

We are always keen to welcome new members to the club.  If you have any friends or family that might be interested in joining please tell them to have a look at our website or get in touch with the membership secretary via email. 

If you have any other membership queries please email