News Blog
Fri, 01 Dec 2017 00:00

Spring 2017
Dear Member,
Spring is in the air and the clocks will shortly be moving forward giving us longer evenings to enjoy tennis.
Our big news this year is that we have confirmed with Colourworks to have the courts cleaned and repainted in April (weather permitting) and we will be fitting new playing nets and replacing the screens to the perimeter fence. During the refurbishment, the courts will be temporarily out of use but we will let members know by email when the exact dates are confirmed by the contractors. One of the things we are most proud of at Broadbridge Heath is the high standard of our playing surface and we hope that you’ll be pleased with the result and continue to support our club.
Other highlights for the year ahead include
* Wimbledon Ballot and American Tournament with refreshments on Sunday 7th May
* Opportunities to play social tennis including American Tournaments which are held at weekends throughout the year- see below and website for further details
* Finals for the Men’s and Ladies’ Singles Tournament along with an American Tournament open to all with refreshments, to be held on Saturday 2nd September
* Our fundraising quiz night with supper to be held early in 2018
The committee continues to promote the club as widely as possible including advertising in local magazines and schools to attract new members including junior members. Last year we increased our membership to 93 and we hope that we will be able to maintain this figure this season. The club intends to continue to use Facebook to spread our news but in addition we now also have an area on the website where members can post any information they would like to pass on to others (BLOGS -please send to for posting on our website
Quiz Evening
The Club held its annual fundraising quiz earlier this year and raised an amazing £577 which will go towards the refurbishment of the courts. Over 50 members and their guests enjoyed a highly entertaining quiz set by Mark and Annabel McCord and a chilli supper.
Club Information
We are pleased to announce Annual subscriptions for 2017/18 year will again remain unchanged:-
Adult - £60
Couple - £100
Family - £115 (to include children up to 18 years)
Junior - £18 (up to 18 years)
Student - £25 (18-25 years)
Seniors - £25 (75+ years)
Children and grandchildren up to 8 years - free
Membership forms are available on the website which can be completed on-line, emailed to or printed and posted to Peter Ballard at 23, Church Road, Broadbridge Heath, RH12 3LD. Subscriptions can be paid by cash, cheque or BACS to Broadbridge Heath Tennis Club , Cater Allen Private Bank, sort: 16-57-10, account : 46184867, reference : your surname.
Court bookings can be made up to 6 weeks in advance on the website through Bookit subject to formal club sessions and events.
Club sessions have been scheduled this season for all on Friday mornings and in addition, if members wish to play on Thursday evenings or Sunday mornings throughout the summer. Please contact Sue Whitty- 07749 375614 or Peter Ballard- 01403 267133 for details.
Men’s sessions are scheduled for the 1st Saturday each month at 4pm and will start on the 1st April. If additional sessions are requested these can be arranged at a later date. We hope to be able to organise this session through a Whatsapp group, so please let Mike Coombs know your mobile number if you’d like to be included. (MC - 07748 184282)
Ladies session will be organised by Jo Waddinghan ( 07794 462536 ) and are scheduled for every other Tuesday afternoon at 1.30 pm on the following dates : 25th April, 9th 23rd May, 6th 20th June, 4th 18th July, 1st 15th 29th August, 12th 26th September.
Wimbledon ballot will take place on Sunday 7th May commencing at 2pm with an American Tournament open to all. Refreshments will be served mid-afternoon and the ballot drawn at 4pm by the courts or if raining in the cricket pavilion. Applications for inclusion in the Wimbledon ballot can be made by email or directly to Ann Lines ( or 07759 286434) . The deadline for applications will be midnight 5th May. The winner of the Winter Mixed trophy will be announced at this event.
Club tournament will commence in May providing plenty of opportunity to complete matches in time for the Finals Day on 2nd September. This year we will be running Singles for Men and Ladies and a Summer Mixed competition. Full details including how to be part of the tournament are available on the Club’s website and the deadline for entries will be 14th May and should be sent to Ann Lines. Match scores for the club competition should be sent to Peter Ballard who will post the results on the website. Engraved trophies will be presented to the Club champions at the Club’s AGM in November.
Parking – while the council is carrying out work to Byfleets Lane and the land adjacent to this road, please park safely with consideration to all.
We look forward to seeing you all on court – have a great season!
Mike Coombs