New Path to the Courts
Wed, 17 Oct 2018 00:00

Work on the path is well underway
Work started on Saturday 13th October to create a path from the lay by in Byfleets Lane to the courts. A group of 16 volunteers met with shovels, rakes and barrows and began the task of spreading bark chip. Further working parties will be needed when we get more chippings as we aim to get a good layer complete before the weather deteriorates. Huge thanks go to everyone involved with this project, it’s really transformed the edge of the cricket field and will be a wonderful addition for everyone wanting access to the courts.
Part of the Saturday volunteer team
Spreading the bark chip took a lot of elbow work...
... along with legwork, wheelbarrows and even an SUV!
But now much of the bark chip is in place and more is to follow.
Update: Saturday 20th October 2018
Two more piles of bark chip were laid today.