
Most booking problems are a result of not logging in (padlocks are displayed). Otherwise, please check the following:

  • You have up to date membership
  • Members are restricted to a maximum of 5 bookings up to 7 days ahead for a maximum of 2 hours per booking.

Note when booking for a rota or coaching, one court should always be left free for individual members to book.

Floodlights can be used by purchasing tokens for £3 each from Jane Walters or John Marrinan to operate the lights on one court for half an hour. 

League Captains should book league matches via the ClubSpark website (rather than the App). Enter:

  • Category: Competition (i.e. don't use defaults);  Sub Category: Sanctioned Tournament; 
  • Contact: use me option to include your details
  • Select: Advanced options and then
  • Name: Enter your team name

This will allow all members to see why the booking has been made. Remember to leave one court free for non league play when booking rescheduled league matches.