
Club News Dec 2022

A message from our Chair

As we enter the holiday period, I wanted to take this opportunity to wish all of you and your families the very best for the festive season. It has been a welcome change to have a year of tennis uninterrupted by Covid although the weather has had its moments with heavy rainfall in Spring, record temperatures in August and now a week of snow blanketing the courts! (thanks to Andy F for the photos)

It has been fantastic also to see all of our teams performing so well in the various leagues and such enthusiastic participation in club champs, box leagues and social tennis. A big thank you to everyone involved in making this happen as well as to our social committee who have arranged such a varied calendar of events off the tennis court.
Here’s to a similarly tennis filled 2023. I look forward to the opportunity to catch up with many of you both on and off the court. In the meantime, my very best wishes to you all for a happy New Year.


Festive Tennis: American Tournament 27 Dec 11-1pm

We are holding our traditional American Tournament this year on the Tuesday after Christmas. This is a fun social tournament and is played as mixed doubles with partners changing every mini-match. The winner is the person who wins the most individual games.

Come and join us for 2 hours of fun tennis, feel free to bring some left-over mince pies. Mulled wine is provided for those who would like it. Cost of the tournament is £3 per player (to cover the cost of new balls). Please let Karen Ferguson know if you plan to come along (07507 670455) so we can manage numbers!

Many thanks to Karen for offering to organise this – in the middle of the run up to Christmas!

Things to look forward to in 2023:

Tennis Activities:

Club Events

We are delighted to confirm that singles ladders, a doubles box league and Monday night Winter tournaments will all begin again in January. There will also be additional American Tournaments and well as The Dot Burgin Cup and Club Championships.

External Leagues

We will be continuing competing in the Aylesbury and District Winter League (7 teams, finishing in April)) and Herts. Men’s Veterans (1 team) as well as entering 6 teams to compete in the Watford & District League starting from the end of April. In May we will enter 3 Hot Rackets teams in the local league. Hot Racquets matches are on Saturdays and Sundays. If you’d like to play in these please get in touch with Ali Lyons, Club Captain CLICK

Social Activities

The Social Events team are putting together next year’s calendar of event. We will be announcing the first event planned for February soon. In the meantime, if you haven’t been to an event before, please do have a look at the Social tab on the website and click previous events to see write ups of what we get up to. We welcome all suggestions for events so please get in touch with the social team (contact details on the website)

Wimbledon: Opt In for the ballot now open!

If you are consoling yourself during this week of freezing temperatures and no tennis by dreaming of eating strawberries and cream on Centre Court then you will be delighted to know the opt in for the ballot is now open!!

The deadline for opting in is 23.59 on Thursday 19th January 2023

All members should have received an email on 15th December with an easy button to click that takes you to the right place to Opt in. Here's the OPT IN LINK

If you haven’t it may be because you haven’t set up an LTA Advantage account (this is free and easy to do – follow this LINK )  and select the Advantage Play + option)

You will ned to make sure you have selected BFTC as your club as you need to be part of an LTA registered venue.

Note from Admin: many thanks to Kev our Treasurer for getting us reaffiliated - and Dermot thanks for the tips!

Planned Improvements to Club Facilities 2023

We are looking to getting the fencing repaired at the Club ASAP! We would also like to hear from members about other improvements to facilities that they would like to see. Talk to Martin when you see him or email him by clicking HERE

We are also receiving quotes for the new surfacing of courts 4 and 5 as discussed at the AGM. Once we have reviewed these we will be asking for input from members as to the preferred option for the majority of members. We will provide details of what the likely implications are on club funds / membership costs of each option.

Community in 2023

As a club we are proud of being part of the local community. Where possible we are happy to highlight activities and charities working in the local area. If there are things people think may be relevant to members the please let Alison know by clicking HERE

Please see details below of the Hemel Hempstead Community Fridge. This initiative operates out of Highfield Community Centre. It provides a place where people can get good surplus food for free or donate food that might otherwise go to waste. If you would like to know more you can click on this LINK

That’s taken up enough of your time – when there are friends to meet, presents to wrap and telly to watch! All that remains to say is have a great celebration all