First 2023 BPTC Golf Day
Tue, 21 Mar 2023 00:00

Ten of our intrepid members swapped rackets for clubs yesterday (20/03//23) for the first of this years BPTC Golf Days played at Brookmans Park Golf Club.
After demolishing trays of delicious hot bacon rolls and pots of steaming coffee our players headed out to the first tee for the obligatory glamour shot 🤣 and the start of what was a most enjoyable day’s golf superbly organised as ever by our illustrious leader Andy Haines.
A selection of splendid trophies, one crafted by our very own Dave Whiskerd, were up for grabs along with some great prizes and the role of honour is as follows;
Congratulations go to Mark Townsend our Singles Competition and Whiskerd Trophy Winner with an impressive 38 points playing off a handicap of 13, closely chased up the fairway by our Runner- Up Andy H with a none too shabby 37 points off 19.
Team Competition – Gary/Mark/Chis P tied with Andy C/Chris M/Nick with 99 points – team average 33.
Leading non BPGC member – Chris Melville – 32 points (28)
Longest Drive (13th) – Andy Clark
Nearest Pin (9th) – Garry Higgins.
Notable Performance Special Award – Colin Stuart-Neal, now there's a story involving airborn clubs which only the man himself can tell with any aplomb 😂
A huge well done to our winners, thank you to all of our players for making this first 2023 golf event such fun and of course to Andy Haines for the seamless organising, number crunching and keeping this rabble under control. WELL DONE ALL..... fore! ⛳️
If you would like to join in the next BPTC Golf Day please contact Andy Haines
Future Days in 2023
June - Arkley GC tbc W/C 26thJune
Wednesday 1st October venue tbc