

Wimbledon FUN Tournament (Sun 7th July)

The club is organising a Wimbledon-themed FUN doubles tournament on Sunday 7th July (10 am start), followed by a BBQ. 

The start time will be 10am sharp and play will be fairly continuous until 12.30ish when Wimbledon-themed refreshments will be served. There will be no club session or coaching during the morning on that day.

It's 'Tie Break Tens Doubles', i.e. no games or sets, just tie-breaks - the winners are the first pair to reach a score of 10 (sudden death point at 9-9). Partners and opponents will initially be drawn by lot. At the end of each match, winning pairs will be promoted and losing pairs relegated (by reference to the court number). Each pair will be split for their next match. During the course of the tournament, players will theoretically find their own level, but the idea is that everyone has a chance to win, since all the scores will be recorded and the highest points winner(s) over the course of the competition will receive a prize. The format means that there is a maximum of 24 players. 

The entry fee will include drinks and a barbecue (provided by our local barbecue experts, John P and Stuart).

£5 per person (non-refundable) payable in advance. 

How to enter:
Please contact the organiser, Dave Winship (email:, to sign up. We anticipate that this will be a popular event, so it will be first come, first served! 

Important: if you sign up and subsequently find you can't make it, please let us know as soon as possible, so that we can allocate your place to the next person on the reserve list.