
Pickleball Coaching


Intro to pickleball (Beginners) : 9am – 10am

  • Dates - Saturday 27th July , Saturday 3rd Aug , Saturday  10th Aug 
  • Members Price: £30 for a 3 week course
  • Maximum : 8 people  
  • To secure your place on this course use this LINK

Intermediate pickleball (Improvers/intermediate) : 10am – 11am

  • Dates - Saturday 27th July , Saturday 3rd Aug , Saturday  10th Aug 
  • Members Price: £30 for a 3 week course
  • Maximum: 8 people
  • To secure your place on this course use this LINK


Intro to pickleball (Beginners) : 6pm – 7pm

  • Dates - Monday 29th July , Monday 5th Aug , Monday 12th Aug
  • Members Price: £30 for a 3 week course
  • Maximum : 8 people  
  • To secure your place on this course use this LINK

Intermediate pickleball (Improvers/intermediate) : 7pm – 8pm

  • Dates - Monday 29th July , Monday 5th Aug , Monday 12th Aug   
  • Members Price: £30 for a 3 week course
  • Maximum: 8 people
  • To secure your place on this course use this LINK

Need more information?   Contact Terry Stidder

email:       Tel: 07734 461269