
National Volunteers Week

Did you know that over 25,000 people choose to volunteer in tennis across Britain at a local, county, regional and/or national level. There are countless ways you can get involved too, whether you play tennis or not.

From helping at our summer events to helping support your local courts, there’s a role to suit you and your lifestyle. We’d love to welcome you as a volunteer in tennis either at your local venue or as a volunteer for the County.

The County has its Club Liaison team which is the link between the County and each venue. Meeting a few times a year, the team also encourages a network of clubs in local areas to share best practice, information and overcome issues. Or perhaps Diversity and Inclusivity is of interest to you? This new team is busily discovering the scope of what is happening in this area and highlighting details of initiatives across the whole of the County. If you have any experience in these areas, or would like to volunteer in another capacity, please get in touch with 

So, in National Volunteers Week, the County would like to say a HUGE Thank You to all of our volunteers who give their time so freely to our tennis community. We couldn't do it without you and are very grateful.