
Disability Awareness Day - A Great Success!

Jayne Huxley-Grantham is Chair of the County's Diversity & Inclusivity Committee and went to the Disability Awareness Day last year. "Having visited the Sports Zone area of this event in 2022, I was blown away by the number of exhibitors, artists and sports offerings available to all with a range of impairments so I was so pleased that the County has worked to be part of the Sportszone this year". 

Jayne told us "Having slept very little the night before listening to the heavy rainfall, I was pleasantly surprised that the sun was out and remained out for the majority of the day. The tennis gods were smiling on us and the day was a huge success!

Together with LUSU - specialist disability and adaptive tennis coaches and a number of Cheshire coaches, we spent the day playing tennis and promoting Cheshire County Inclusive venues. The County aims to promote all aspects of adaptive tennis and are investing in our coaches to help them deliver into our communities. The Disability Awarenesss Day was the perfect backdrop to help bring awareness to our communities of tennis as an inclusive sport. Huge thanks go to everyone who supported and took park in the day!"

Matt Elkington, LTA Disability Development Partner, congratulated the team's hard work "We saw hundreds of disabled people and hundreds of families showcasing how we could open up tennis to suit them! The coaches who Jayne and Clive are working with in the County, and have educated, came along to the day and were out making new links for their venues. The tennis element to the DAD was the greatest attended, compared to all the other sports, and truly showed our sport in the best light! We have seen no county have higher growth in participation than Cheshire and this is solely down to the drive and determination of the  Diversity & Inclusivity Committee".  Matt concluded " Just a fantastic all round day!"

If you would like to get involved with the D&I Committee or need further information of the work they are doing in Cheshire, please contact Jayne or Clive at and they will be in touch. 

More photos of the day are here

Or get in touch wih our Cheshire County Inclusive Venues to see what's on offer:-