About this course

Sat, 20 Apr - Sat, 25 May 2024

10:00 - 11:00

4 - 7 years old





What can you expect?

At the Red stage, children practice to serve (with an overarm throw) rally, and learn to play points. Coaches will help children to develop adaptive skills, coordination, balance & speed. Through basic instruction, children continue to prepare for the game ahead.


The main focus of these group sessions is to have fun learning the basic fundamentals of mini tennis through a child centred approach. Throughout a term children will learn how to develop their fine motor skills like balance, agility and coordination. Using mini red balls and small court, they’re learning everything they’ll need for the game ahead All junior players are required to become members of St Margaret's Tennis Club. A fee of £5 per year is payable to St. Margaret's Lawn Tennis Club, Lloyd's Bank. Sort code 30-93-34 Account Number 02066757.

Need more information?

Email: coaching@hythetennis.com

Phone: 07826068900

Where to find us

St Margaret's Tennis Club
king george v playing field, glebe close, st margaret's at cliffe, KENT CT15 6AF

Waiting list

This course is full, but you still have the opportunity to be added to a waiting list in case spaces become available.

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Waiting list

This course is full, but you still have the opportunity to be added to a waiting list in case spaces become available.

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