
Table Tennis - Phased re-opening from 12th April

Dear Table Tennis Members,

Following the Government easing of restrictions on indoor exercise and in accordance with the guidance of Table Tennis England we are planning to open up the club house for table tennis to existing paid-up members only for:


Phase 1 Monday 12th April - Table Tennis for members of the same household 


Phase 2 Monday 17th May - Singles/Doubles play for bubbles of up to 6 people or from 2 households 


Phase 3 Monday 21st June - All play permitted


We hope you will work with us to make the sessions both safe and enjoyable for yourself and other members

Note: The above phases are subject to change


Play is at your own risk and should you decide to play Table Tennis we have put into place arrangements to enable safe play for all members:

  • Sessions should be booked via the on-line booking system. You will need to be a paid-up club member to book. Players attending should be named on the booking. A minimum of an hour must be left between bookings and clashes with Tennis sessions should be avoided to reduce the number of members in the clubhouse at any given time. Please check the booking system before journeying to the clubhouse
  • Prior to attendance you must undertake a self-assessment symptom check for any COVID-19 symptoms: NHS Symptom Checker
  • Hands should be washed both before and after play: please bring your own gel/wipes (there are limited supplies at the club). A sanitising ‘station’ is available for use. The emphasis is on however, on each individual taking responsibility for their own hygiene
  • Doors to the table tennis room should be left open to allow air to circulate during play (if opened the external doors must be closed & securely locked at the end of play). No breathing on the balls to clean
  • Only the practice table is to be used, which should already be set up ready. Please avoid touching or wiping your hands on the table. You use their own bat and balls (where possible), if using club equipment please use hand sanitiser before use and wipe down afterwards with an antibacterial wipe
  • Cloakrooms, toilet and the kitchen are used only in exceptional circumstances - cloakrooms now have antibacterial soap, paper towels & antibacterial wipes. In addition, there is a drinking water tap in each cloakroom
  • Players should wipe down communal areas before and after play - this includes door handles, light switches etc. Tables must be sprayed with the soapy water provided and wiped gently with the soft cloth provided – please do not use wipes or sprays which will damage the surface
  • Please take all your rubbish home


If you are not playing with members from the same household or bubble we additionally ask that:

  • Players consider using their own ball and only touch their own ball (mark/colour to separate the two balls). Players should kick/hit the others player’s ball back.
  • Players avoid changing ends
  • If you are not playing with members of the same household please observe social distancing - maintain a safe distance (2m or at least 1 metre plus), avoiding any physical contact. No handshaking/slapping hands
  • Spectators consider wearing face masks


Full up to date guidance on hygiene and social distancing can be found on the NHS and Government websites.

IMPORTANT: Do not leave your home if Government advice means you should stay at home because you or someone you live with has or has had symptoms of COVID-19, or you are in the most vulnerable category and have been advised to continue to shield from the coronavirus

Best wishes

DTC Committee