Become a member

Our standard membership is free in 2024 with the support of ISE at the University of Dundee.

Please become a member to receive information and to keep in touch.  We are a new club and need your support to ensure we can continue to be here for LGBTQIA+ people who want to take part in tennis.   We will keep you up to date on our fantastic club sessions, coaching and social events.

We are not currently set up for junior members and so please get in touch if there is demand for this to which we should be responding.

Please note that the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) system prescribes a binary view of the world. They only allow the choices of male or female. We have raised this with them and they are "looking at solutions".  Membership through the LTA site is not required to join the Dundee Deuces and is not required to join our club sessions. Contact us to join in a different way.  Please note that joining through the LTA does come with additional benefits and discounts (see play plus here).

Dundee Deuces is a registered charitable incorporated organisation, number SC053610