
Move to Tier 3 from 13 November

On Friday 13 November Fife moved into Tier 3 of Scotland’s Coronavirus protection levels.

CHANGES for tennis:

DOUBLES - Social distancing must be adhered to ON COURT while playing doubles.

TRAVEL for outdoor exercise – 

Players can travel freely for organised sport and physical exercise or informal exercise within their own Local Authority area.

Players should not be driven into Tier 4 areas for the purpose of exercise.

Adults (18+) who live in a Tier 3 area should only travel locally (within around 5 miles of their Local Authority area) to take part in sport or physical activity outdoors.

18 and under can travel to and from Tier 0,1, 2 and 3 areas (BUT NOT LEVEL 4) to take part in organised sport and physical activity.

Please continue to wear a mask for drop off and pick up at children's coaching sessions. For child supervision, please spread out around the sides of the court. 

Please maintain minimum 2 metres social distancing when off court and continue to follow strict health and hygiene protocols - hand washing and use of hand sanitiser before and after play etc. 

Toilets remain open to those with access and for children's coaching sessions.

Please visit the website for more detailed up to date information for tennis in Tier 3. You can also find more detailed information here:

Please look out for further emails and information on the website (including the News page) and Facebook and share with those you know are not tech savvy!

Stay safe!