Upgrading the courts
Sun, 27 Feb 2022 00:00

As part of the Club's plans to secure the long-term future of tennis at Dyke Park, full resurfacing of the court surface for courts 4, 5 and 6 will take place. This is an exciting development and is the second significant upgarde of the courts, following the clean and re-painting of courts 1, 2 and 3 in September 2021.
The resurfacing of courts 4, 5 and 6 will start on Tuesday 1 March 2022 and the initial phase of the works will last until 29 March 2022. These works also include new net posts and fittings for the courts. During this time courts 4, 5 and 6 will be closed to all users. However, courts 1, 2 and 3 will reamin open as usual for bookings and use.
Courts 4, 5 and 6 are now re-open for use - with temporary lines for a period of about 4 weeks. This gives the new playing surface time to cure and settle before a final top coating is done. Top coating and colour spraying will take place in late April/ early May (exact date TBC).
This is a huge financial investment in the tennis facilities and will secure the long-term future of tennis at Dyke Park. This investment would not be possible without raising money from all users of the courts. All monies raised from pay and play and club membership is reinvested back into the courts.
Everyone who has made a booking and paid for their court time has made a contribution to these improvement works and we are greatful for your support and patience while these works take place. Thank you.