Dyke Club Legend: Cy

This week we said goodbye to our tennis club legend, Cy Pollard.

Cy has been the heart and soul of DykeParkTennisClub for over 50 years. From starting out as a regular player, then qualified coach, team captain, chairman, groundsman and Big Boss, he has done it all.

He had a huge appetite and passion for tennis and devoted so much of his time and energy to Dyke and the B&H Parks League. He saved the tennis courts at Dyke from dereliction in the late 1980s and early 1990s. And our club has flourished under his leadership with ever increasing membership, coaching opportunities and significant improvements in our standards of play!

He never stopped giving players coaching tips (whether wanted or not - especially after a tough match). The shake of the head or role of his eyes told you there was room for improvement. He also had a wicked and cheeky sense of humour too!

Personal message from current Club chair Phil

Cy was my first tennis coach, then my mentor and friend. He taught me to play tennis, encouraged me to become a team captain and then supported me to lead the club in the last few years. I am ever grateful for Cy’s input into my life. I consider being called mini-Cy a great honour and badge to wear with pride.

Cy will forever be our greatest club legend. We love and miss him at Dyke.