
Tennis Talk


This year's AGM will take place on Tuesday 9th November starting at 8pm. The Covid threat is still with us so we will try to open as many doors/windows as possible and it would be prudent for everyone to wear a mask (and a coat!). Hopefully this will take place but we are mindful that if cases continue to rise, the Government may introduce restrictions on gatherings.

We will take this opportunity to promote the book on the history of the club. Copies will be available at a cost of £10 so please bring your bank card/cash with you to enjoy this fascinating read about the past 130 years! All proceeds from the sale of this book will go into club funds.

If you are unable to come to the AGM and are unsure how to receive your copy, please contact Peter Collinson on 01704 - 830196 or email him

Winter League

We are just finalising the format for the winter league and further news will be sent out shortly.

This is the last Tennis Talk under my pen after 8 years. I hope you have found it informative and I wish the new editor all the best in his/her new role!

Forthcoming events

Saturday 18 December                 Yuletide Goblin