Term dates
Remaining 2024/25 dates
- February 24th - April 6th (6 weeks)
2025/26 dates:
- Tuesday 22nd April - Sunday 25th May 5 weeks (4 on Mondays)
- Monday 2nd June - Monday 21st July 7 weeks (8 on Mondays)
- Monday 8th September- Sunday 26th October 7 weeks
- Monday 3rd November - Sunday 14th December 6 weeks
- Monday 5th January- Sunday 15th February 6 weeks
- Monday 23rd February- Sunday 29th March 5 weeks
36 sessions @ £9 per 1 hour session = £27 per month for 12 monthly payments.
Missed sessions due to extreme weather and unforeseen coach/venue unavailability will be made up in the school holidays between the above dates or can be made up on by attending other sessions.