
Spring Newsletter

Spring feels well on the way now, and alongside all our regular tennis activities, we have quite a few tennis events planned over the next few weeks:


As part of Great Bedwyn's celebrations to mark the King's Coronation, Great Bedwyn Tennis Club is hosting a morning of tennis activities on Sunday, May 7th.

  • 9-9.45 am  Kids' Tennis Games
  • 10-12am    Adults' Friendly Doubles & Tennis Games

This is a free session open to members and non-members, with no need to register in advance. Do come and join in the fun!


We are planning to hold our AGM in the Clubhouse on Wednesday 17th May. The format will be as follows:

  • 6.15 - 7pm          AGM
  • 7-8pm                  Cardio Tennis session (free of charge)
  • 8pm onwards      Social in the Three Tuns (a few drinks and bar snacks on the club)

As always, this is your chance to have your say about how the club is running so please do come along to support the committee.


We will be hosting a charity fundraiser tennis tournament in aid of local mum-of-three Madeline Boardman who has Multiple Sclerosis. The Get Maddy To Mexico fundraising initiative is looking to raise £50,000 to help get Maddy specialist treatment in Mexico later in the year. More information can be found via Fundraiser for Madeleine Boardman. Maddy's husband Phil, an active member at the club, will soon be running 10 marathons, across 10 counties in 10 days as part of the fundraising and the club wish him all the best.

The doubles event, on Saturday 1st July, will run from 10am to 1.30pm. It costs £15 per person to enter, to include a bowl of strawberries and cream! You can sign up as a pair or as an individual, and we will find you a partner. Numbers are limited so to enter please contact Tammy on 07782 379227 or email


Finally, we are aware that we have been very late in sending out renewal notices for this year's subscriptions. We are in the process of transitioning to a new system and there have been a few delays, but you should be hearing from us in the next few days.


Best regards,

Rachel Bond (Secretary)