Christmas Party 2023
Sat, 09 Dec 2023 00:00

On Friday 8th December 2023 the Club held its annual Christmas Party in the festively decorated Hallow Parish Hall. Partygoers enjoyed homemade canapes and a glass of fizz before settling down to an excellent 2 course meal. Andrew Downie provided an amusing summary of the Club's year and various successes before the raffle was drawn and the Martyn-Smiths were auctioned off to act as ball boy and ball girl! Our very own Anna Martin and her fellow Big Sister band members then got the room rocking with some dance floor filling numbers. It just wouldn't be the Hallow Christmas party without this amazing trio.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to a hugely successful and fabulously fun evening including those who decorated and later cleared the hall, the ladies who made the canapes, the youngsters who served the food and drink, everyone who contributed raffle prizes and Jon Horton for supplying the wine. Robin was a brilliant compere and Kanize did a sterling job at organising the raffle. Last but not least, the biggest thanks are reserved for Sue and Chris Martyn-Smith, party planners of the highest order!