
West Somerset League Mixed Fixtures

The West Somereset Mixed League fixtures have been announced.

Hemyock A ( Division 3) will play

  1. Minehead B
  2. Taunton School Staff
  3. Taunton Vale A
  4. Trull C
  5. Trull D

Home matches Mondays at 6:30pm

Hemyock B (Division 5) will play

  1. Elms D
  2. King’s College Parents
  3. King’s College Pupils
  4. Minehead D
  5. Taunton C
  6. Wiveliscombe C

Home matches Fridays at 6:30pm

A full fixture list is shown on this web site. Fixture List

Please come along and support the Hemyock Tennis Club team.

Contact Malcolm Steer or Ian Jeeves if you would like to be part of the league teams.