Club Articles


AGM Notes - 2023

AGM for Henley Tennis Club (2023)

    •    Date: 28/06/2024
    •    Time: 1900
    •    Location: Henley Tennis Club
    •    Chairperson: Colin Main

Meeting Details

    •    Attendees:
    ◦    Colin Main (Chair)
    ◦    Mike Pugsley (Treasurer)
    ◦    David Hunte (Club Secretary)
    ◦    James Cudd (Communications)
    ◦    Natalie Wakefield (Ladies Captain)
    ◦    Simon Perry (Social Secretary)
    •    Apologies:
    ◦    John Tamplin (Facilities Manager)
    ◦    Jeremy Wright (Team Captain, Retired)
    ◦    Tom Scott (Head Coach)
    ◦    Dan Barr (Membership Secretary)


    1    Approval of 2022 Minutes
    ◦    The minutes of the 2022 AGM were presented and approved by the members. Proposed by David Hunte, seconded by Colin Main.

    2    Chairman’s Report
    ◦    Colin Main announced their resignation after 6 years of service, citing a desire to step down and allow new leadership.
    ◦    The committee will determine a date for the next AGM, considering the summer season and winter scheduling.


Appreciation expressed to outgoing committee members:

    ▪    Jeremy Wright (Team Captain)
    ▪    Fred Clifford (Secretary)


Thanks to:

    ▪    John Tamplin (Facilities Manager)
    ▪    Dan Barr (Membership Secretary)
    ▪    Mike Pugsley (Treasurer)
    ▪    Simon Perry (Social Secretary)
    ◦    Call for new committee members, team captain, and coaches.

    3    Financial Report (2022/2023)

    ◦    Mike presented a healthy financial report.
    ◦    Mention of transferring funds to a reserve account as a precaution in case the college considers reclaiming the grounds.


    4    Election of Officers

    ◦    Open positions for nominations:
    ▪    Chairman
    ▪    Health and Safety Officer
    ▪    Team Captain(s)
    ▪    Social Secretary
    ▪    Special Project Coordinator
    ▪    Funding Approach Coordinator
    ◦    Recent appointments:
    ▪    Secretary: David Hunte
    ▪    Communications Officer: James Cudd

    5    Reports

    •    Maintenance:
    ◦    Reviewed maintenance needs, including:
    ▪    Increasing floodlight capacity
    ▪    Warranty query and repair for lower courts
    ▪    Improving court grip

    •    Coaches:
    ◦    Report from Tom attached (consider including a brief summary here or noting the report’s availability).

    •    Health and Safety:
    ◦    Need for a dedicated Health and Safety Officer reiterated

    •    Team Captains:
    ◦    Reports to be addressed at the committee level:
    ▪    Ladies’ team growth and promise for continued success
    ▪    Men’s team performance across leagues and improvement plans

    •    Communications:
    ◦    James Cudd reported on improved communication efforts, including website updates, emails, and general outreach.

    6    AOB
    •    Robert Dickie has advised he would like to step down as A Berks team captain for the winter season and play for the Berks B. 
    •    Max M Thomas requests to maintain his position as first team captain.