
Benefits of Tennis...

Tennis is a high-impact sport that offers numerous benefits for physical and mental health. Physically, tennis can improve cardiovascular health, increase strength and endurance in the legs, arms, and core, and enhance coordination and reaction time. It can also lower body fat, improve lipid profile, and benefit bone health. On the mental side, tennis can provide motivation, elevate mood, and offer an outlet for stress relief. Additionally, the game demands focus and concentration, which can improve cognitive function.

Older adults can also reap the benefits of playing tennis, as it provides a low-impact cardiovascular workout while being easy on the joints. For older players, clay courts are a better option than hard courts, and doubles or walking tennis play may be preferred over singles. Tennis can also be an effective rehabilitation option following a heart attack.

Multiple studies have confirmed the health benefits of tennis. A 2020 study published in Sports Health found that tennis improves musculoskeletal function compared to age-matched healthy individuals. A 2021 study in the European Journal of Applied Physiology found that tennis reduces the chances of hypertension, while a 2017 study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that racquet sports in general can significantly reduce the mortality from cardiovascular disease.
