
Fun Tournament and Supper Night

Picture: David, Jim, Helen and Liv

What a lovely evening it was last night!  Good, fun tennis and a good old BBQ expertly prepared by Karen, who never disappoints.  Thank you, Karen.

A big thank you must also go to Harriet and Amanda who did a fantastic job organising and running the tournament and expertly kept everyone under control. 

The ladies' winner on the night was Liv Tordoff with runner up Helen Hall and for the men, David Delfosse was the winner by one game from runner up Jim Gore.  Well played all.

Thank you must also go to everyone who turned up and made it such a fun evening and to all of you who helped clear up afterwards.  Many hands make light work and as there were so many attendees, you made the task of clearing up less onerous.

Look forward to seeing you at the next supper night on the last Wednesday in July.

Celia, Club Secretary