10is players of the year
Tue, 01 Aug 2017 00:00
Congratulations to Alisa and Julian
This week, among a dozen of players, Alisa and Julian received their “10is Academy Player of the year” award.
Alisa and Julian had a tough year. We knew they would have a challenging season but we also knew that both of them had the ability to finish the season in a stronger position. We can always depend on these two players because they can do their job.
Both Julian and Alisa were number 1 of their respective AEGON team.
Julian played a handful of tournaments during the season and recorded victories over better ranked players. He has been working hard to improve his technique and physical aptitudes.
Alisa did not lose a single match against lower ranked players. Alisa has this quietness about her yet people just know that she has a calm leadership. She’s humble and just carries herself with such grace.