Club Membership

The membership year runs from the 1st May to the 30th April.     

To encourage people to join our club during the membership year, membership packages are available to new members at a pro-rata cost from the month you join. For information on pro-rata fees please contact the Membership Secretary.

Membership renewal for existing members will be managed through a ClubSpark payment request email that will be sent in advance of the new membership year.

In the interest of treating all members consistently and fairly, we are not able to offer a refund on unused part-year membership fees.  

If you have any questions regarding membership contact: David Saunders -  Mob: 07887 350347, email: 

To join our club please see below a list of our membership packages.


1 - Prorated Full Adult 2024/25

01/10/2024- 30/04/2025

Full Adult Membership with access to all Racquet sections at the club and the Gym

Eligibility: Age 24+

Choose payment option

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2 - Trial 2024/25

3 months membership

Trial Racquets Membership for 3 Months

Eligibility: Must not have previously been an Adult Racquets Member

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3 - Family Trial 2024/25

3 months membership

Trial Racquets Membership for 3 Months for two Adults and unlimited Children

Eligibility: Must not have previously been an Adult Racquets Member

Join now

Chaperone 2024/25

01/05/2024- 30/04/2025

Eligibility for up to two guardians to access to all Racquet sections at the club to play sport with their children (who are also existing members).

Choose payment option

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Family 2024/25

01/05/2024- 30/04/2025

Full Membership with access to all Racquet sections at the club and the Gym for a maximum of 2 Adults and unlimited Children.

Choose payment option

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Junior 12 - 17 2024/25

01/05/2024- 30/04/2025

Junior Membership for ages 12 - 17 with access to all racquet sports

Eligibility: Age 12-17

Choose payment option

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Junior 5 - 11 2024/25

01/05/2024- 30/04/2025

Junior Membership for ages 5 - 11 with access to all racquet sports

Choose payment option

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Social 2024/25

01/05/2024- 30/04/2025

Social Membership for the use of the bar and table tennis facilities of the club.

Choose payment option

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Student 2024/25

01/05/2024- 30/04/2025

Full Racquets Membership with access to the Gym for Students living away from home.

Eligibility: Students living away from home.

Choose payment option

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Young Person 2024/25

01/05/2024- 30/04/2025

Full Racquets Membership with access to the Gym for 18-23 Year Olds

Eligibility: 18-23 Years Old

Choose payment option

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