

Walking the Walk

(Image: Cromwell Bottom Blog)

CityConnect Challenge 

Enabling more people to travel by bike and on foot to help tackle the climate emergency 

Park Tennis Club have delivered 13 sessions so far towards this initiative, racking up 23.85 session hours (the total length of time that sessions have been run for).  This equates to 78.53 contact hours (the combined number of hours that each attendee spent in the session(s)).  A great achievement!  Thank you to everyone who’s taken part in the challenge so far. 

The CityConnect challenge comes to an end at the end of February. meanwhile, we have two more family friendly walking/cycling sessions planned.  Details of the first one are as follows:

Cromwell Bottom – Guided Tour

Guide: Cromwell Bottom Volunteer

Date: Sunday 5th February

Start: 1pm

Finish: 2.30pm  

Refreshments: Available at the visitor centre for a donation

Further details will be issued in the next members' update.