
Baldwin Trophy Winners

(Photos: Cathy Winterbottom)

The Baldwin Trophy, an annual singles tournament for Park members, was held on 17th September. The tournament is run on a handicap basis with some players starting each game on minus 30 and others on plus 15.

There were four players in the ladies section and they all played against each other in the group stage with Sandra Bartolini (-30, -15) winning all three matches for the loss of only one game. Marilyn Marshall (+15), who won two sets in the group stage, joined her in the final and put up a good fight, stretching Sandra to 4-3.

In the men’s, there was one group of five players and one of four. Patrick Simpson (-15), the 2020 winner, won all four of his group matches and kept his unbeaten record on the day by winning his semi-final against Andy Walker (scratch) 4-0 then defeating Jordan Hoyle (-30), the 2021 winner, 6-2 in the final.

(Report: Chris Williams)

You can view the list of previous winners here.