
Sparks fly

(Photo: Russell Horn)

Once again, Park were blessed with good weather for their annual bonfire event.  A light breeze kept the bonfire burning brightly, mesmerising the crowd.

Members and their families/friends donated chilli con carne, rice, pie and peas, and a whole host of sweet and savoury snacks and bites for a sharing supper.  The home-made treacle tart was snapped up in an instant - delicious! Thank you, Liz!  And thanks must also go to our regular chilli con carne chef, Jordan, and his mum!  The queue at the counter said it all.

A variety of great raffle prizes were also donated by members.

Margaret Bottomley, Chair, said: ‘Thanks to everyone who supported last night’s event in any way.  £90 was raised on the raffle, which will be put towards the continuing clubhouse refurbishment.  It was nice to hear so many positive comments about the refurbishment, which Janette and Jill worked on last month.’

Another successful event for Park at this year’s bonfire event!  Well done, everyone!

Park Tennis Club - run by members for its members

(Don't forget - support our sponsors and Pick up a Pint at The Pond!)